

Fully Loaded Shot Box

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Product Details

Included in this clear 6 individually locking compartment container is 50 grams each of the six most common lead split shot sizes. Everything you need to make any shot pattern in a convenient sized pocket box. Premium lead soft split shot with a wide opening and a dull gray finish to reduce visibility in the water. Included is #4, #1, BB, AB, AAA and SSG

Due to state law restrictions, we cannot ship the following lead weights or sinkers to the following states:

NEW YORK – Lead Sinkers ½ ounce or less

MAINE – Lead Sinkers either 1 ounce or less, or less than 2&1/2 inches

MASSACHUSETTS – Lead Sinkers 1 ounce or less, or lead jigs less than 1 ounce

NEW HAMPSHIRE – Lead Sinkers 1 ounce or less, or lead jigs less than 1 inch in length

VERMONT – Lead sinkers ½ ounce or less

If an order shipping to one of these states includes an item restricted in that state, we will remove that item from the order (refund it) and ship the remaining items.

MASSACHUSETTS – Lead Sinkers 1 ounce or less, or lead jigs less than 1 ounce

NEW HAMPSHIRE – Lead Sinkers 1 ounce or less, or lead jigs less than 1 inch in length

VERMONT – Lead sinkers ½ ounce or less

If an order shipping to one of these states includes an item restricted in that state, we will remove that item from the order (refund it) and ship the remaining items.

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